Integrated Testing System
Provides the assessment industry with an online system that efficiently manages the details and tasks associated with developing, administering, delivering, and maintaining legally defensible examinations.

AUTHORWise™is comprised of Six modules
Item Authoring Module
AUTHORWise Item Authoring controls all item writing efforts with precision, efficiency, and security at multiple levels. Security settings give administrators control over who has access to content and what can be done with the content. CMS developed this tool to address the needs of distributed test development. In addition to project management, it provides extensive audit tracking to document every step of the item authoring process.
Review Event Module
AUTHORWise Review Event brings together online scheduling, alpha test administration, alpha test answer response review, linear technical reviews, and item comments and standard setting score estimate(s). This component enables Angoff and Bookmark standard setting processes in a fully remote setting.
Item Banking Module
AUTHORWise Item Banking expands upon the intuitive item authoring capabilities to meet the challenging needs of program managers and psychometricians. With tools to revise and version items, customize multiple item workflows, and mark enemy items, managers can now fully trust and control the crucial aspects of item banking.
TESTWise™ Test Delivery Module
CMS’s TESTWise™ Test Delivery System allows organizations to self-publish, deliver, and manage test administrations directly from AUTHORWise. All content and all controls are right at your fingertips. TESTWise includes full scheduling and registration capabilities. Plus, CMS does not require annual minimums nor setup fees, and we do not demand exclusivity.
Blueprint Survey Module
AUTHORWise Blueprint Survey provides simple steps to create a test blueprint survey and to distribute the survey, track survey outcomes by bank, section, and objective, and monitor demographic question results and user comments. This module allows test administrators to immediately see the impact of SME responses on the test blueprint.
DATAWise™ Results Management
AUTHORWise Results Management solves the challenges of data management for programs large and small. This component automates the crucial, demanding process to obtain meaningful and effective data reports. Data is automatically and directly uploaded, on a daily basis, from the test delivery vendors you choose. Through secure online access, test sponsors can conveniently run reports to obtain the critical information they need to manage their programs.
AUTHORWise™ Integrated Testing System
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